An application process always seems complicated at first sight, but at OVGU it is definitely not.
If you are enrolled to a partner university (e.g. Georgia Southern University) you can be part of the worldwide-student program. The only restrictions for that are that you are over 18 years old and studied at least two semesters at your university. If your university is not a partner, you have to come to OVGU as a free-mover. This is a different process.
For now I would like to concentrate at the worldwide program:
First step is normally the application at your home university, to get nominated to do a transfer to OVGU. This process might differ at any university and you should get in touch with your advisor for international students to learn more about the process.
After you got nominated from your university, you have to apply at OVGU and submit some documents on the „Incoming Portal“ : You have to fill out the application form, submit a transcript of record, an evidence of linguistic competences, which proofs you have language skills on B2 level either in englisch or german and a copy of your passport. The deadline for studying in winter term (October-March) is July,15 and for summer term (April-September) January, 15. The confirmation of acceptation will be sent to you shortly after you finished your application (End of July resp. End of January).
It is important to keep that form, because you will need it for your enrollment.
Luckily you do not need a student visa if you are an us-american citizen. You only need to register within two weeks after arrival at Magdeburgs Residents Registration Office and the Aliens registration Office as an exchange student.
Before arriving to Magdeburg you can also apply for accommodation in student housing. The student union will provide these. If you would like to do so please click the link to fill out your application form: Please not that there is only limited room, so it is not guaranteed that you will receive a room. If this is the case, you can search on websites like : „Immoscout24“ or „eBay Kleinanzeigen“ for a shared apartment room in Magdeburg.
As you can see the application is super easy and done really quick. So do not hesitate and start your journey now!
